What Everyone Ought to Know About GOOGLE AD VS FACEBOOK AD. WHICH IS BETTER?

Google AdWords and Facebook Ads are two of the world’s most widely used advertising platforms. They’re also very different. While both have their strengths and weaknesses, choosing one over the other is complicated based on which one has a higher conversion rate. Let’s look at some of the reasons why each platform works better for different types of businesses:

Google’s search results are the most potent source for reaching new customers.

Google’s search results are the most potent source for reaching new customers.

Google Ads can be targeted to appear in search results, on Google properties like YouTube and Gmail, or other websites or apps.

The downside is that your ad will only be visible if people search for keywords you bid on.

The downside to Google AdWords is that your ad will only be visible if people search for keywords you bid on. You can’t target specific people, and you can’t target a particular geographic area or age group. Instead, your ads will appear in the search results when someone is looking for those terms.

This might not seem like much of an issue until you realize that most of Facebook’s advertising options include targeting based on demographics (such as gender) as well as interests and behaviors for example if someone has recently expressed interest in learning about how to crochet before making crafts at home. In addition to this ability to reach out directly where it counts most (on social media), Facebook also allows users complete control over what type(s) of content they want their ads shown alongside photos, videos, links, text-based posts from friends, etcetera!

Google lets you customize who sees your ads by targeting them based on their recent searches, location, and browsing history.

Google lets you customize who sees your ads by targeting them based on their recent searches, location, and browsing history. You can also target users who are interested in specific topics or demographics.

You can also exclude audiences you’ve already reached to prevent wasting ad spending on people who have already converted.

You can also exclude audiences you’ve already reached to prevent wasting ad spending on people who have already converted. This is especially important for Facebook ads because some of your audience members will be excluded based on their age, gender or location. When setting up an ad campaign in Facebook Ads Manager (formerly known as “Ads Manager”) make sure to exclude these types of people from the list of potential customers before starting a campaign!

In addition to excluding certain groups of people from the list of potential customers while creating a new campaign:

Facebook ads are great because they allow you to target all types of people, not just those looking for what you offer at this exact moment.

Facebook ads are great because they allow you to target all types of people, not just those looking for what you offer at this exact moment.

For example, let’s say you own a bike shop and want to advertise on Facebook. You can set up a campaign that targets men in their 20s who live in the state of California and have an income of $50k+ per year—that means potential customers! If someone clicks on your ad and visits your website, they become a customer who spends money with you—and there are other ways to track where those customers go after making purchases (such as through email marketing).

When it comes to targeting, Facebook is the clear winner.

When it comes to targeting, Facebook is the clear winner.

Facebook allows you to target people based on their interests, demographics, and behaviors. Google only allows you to target people based on keywords they’ve searched for in the past.

If your ad isn’t relevant enough for them (or if other factors make it less likely than other ads), then Facebook will automatically remove those ads from your campaign. However, with Google AdWords, you have no control over what gets included because everything depends on how good or bad your keyword selection was originally (which could be improved using data tools).

Google AdWords has one major limitation that Facebook ads don’t; to use its platform, you have to bid on specific keywords that searchers enter into Google’s search box.

Google AdWords is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform that allows you to bid on specific keywords that searchers enter into Google’s search box. This makes it an excellent solution for advertisers who want to target people already searching for what they offer. Still, it does have one major limitation: to use its platform, you have to bid on specific keywords that searchers enter into Google’s search box.

If a keyword is too expensive or doesn’t have enough monthly searches, you may not be able to use it at all.

Google AdWords is a more targeted ad platform that allows you to choose keywords and bids based on your product’s or service’s relevance. On the other hand, Facebook Ads are broader because they will enable you to reach as many users as possible but at a lower cost per click (CPC).

If a keyword is too expensive or doesn’t have enough monthly searches, you may not be able to use it at all. This can happen when people aren’t searching for specific terms yet—so if someone does try searching for something like “my dog loves pepperoni pizza,” there isn’t much opportunity for them in terms of CPCs because there aren’t any relevant ads running at that time!

While Google ads win for targeting existing users, Facebook ads win for reaching new audiences.

While Google Ads are great for targeting existing users, Facebook ads are great for reaching new audiences. This can be seen in the number of people who engage with the ads and how much money they spend on them.

Google Ads wins when it comes to targeting existing customers because they have a vast database of user data that can be used to create an ad campaign based on a person’s interests or behaviors that align with what you want to sell your product or service to them. The downside is that this type of advertising may not always work as well if you’re trying to reach someone who has never heard about your brand before (this doesn’t mean you should give up).

Facebook Ads are better at reaching new audiences because it allows advertisers like yourself access to their platform, giving them access to over 2 billion users worldwide! This means plenty more opportunities are available than just using traditional methods such as Google AdWords etcetera…


Facebook ads are a better fit for most advertisers, but Google AdWords is still a great tool if you want your ads to be seen by more people.

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